VFE Woodchipper


Well-known member
@cwsquared was so kind to deal me in on the recent VFE group buy. I've done the mobius strip and mini mu from madbean already so the only things that were calling to me were this and the klein bottle.

No problems with the build, the jacks are a little close together for my taste on these but that's being pretty nitpicky. I also tend to prefer a clicky 3pdt over a relay but I also welcome the longevity of the momentary footswitch. Utility over tactile pleasure, I guess.

It sounds great. I kind of have a love/ hate for the brassmaster. In fact I don't think I actually liked any of the tones I got out of this pedal with my telecaster. My p bass, though sounds excellent. I am generally prone to diming gain pots but not here. The most interesting textures to me are with the gain down below noon. The octave is still strong down there.

The bottom knob is the real selling point for me as it brings a lot of lows in to the picture that a more standard brassmaster does not provide. Honestly, my expectations were pretty mid but they have been exceeded handily.

The graphic came out more subtle than I had hoped but im still pretty happy. It's Gaear Grimsrud stuffing Steve Buscemi into a woodchipper laid over an oriented strand board background.
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