Who makes the PPCB faceplates?


Active member
@Robert are you able to share this information? I've been thinking about going this route for my builds because I love your top jack faceplates, which I'll keep buying, I'm just interested in faceplates for tops of pedals like what AmplifyFun makes, but their website has no links or anything, just an email and phone number. I'd like something with a site where you can actually see all the options and pricing.
They're just 1.0mm PCBs.

You can order them from any PCB fabricator. (JLCPCB, Elecrow, iTead, Seeeed, etc)
I see, thank you! That was actually my original thought, that they felt like pcbs, but then I started searching the forums for faceplate fabricators before making a new post and came across AmplifyFun and wanted to see if they were from them or not.