Need some wiring assistance with 2 pcb's one box..


Well-known member
I want to add a fosho boost into an enclosure... can someone give me some advice how to do it correctly? 2 switches... one for boost and one for the kliche? Want to put the sho in front of the kliche... Tried it twice already and my wiring didnt work.. although both pcb's work by themselves off board. tore it all out of enclosure to start over. Anyone mind playing in MS paint to help me understand?
fosho wiring help.png
Basically, the first one (SHO) gets wired to the input jack and power and ground in the normal way. The second one (Kliche) gets wired to the output jack and power and ground in the normal way. Then connect footswitch 1 output to footswitch 2 input.
Basically, the first one (SHO) gets wired to the input jack and power and ground in the normal way. The second one (Kliche) gets wired to the output jack and power and ground in the normal way. Then connect footswitch 1 output to footswitch 2 input.
That's not going to work with a Kliche, they don't wire up like a standard footswitch
It should. Barry’s right, I forgot the kliche has a special footswitch setup. So my revised statement would be:

Basically, the first one (SHO) gets wired to the input jack and power and ground in the normal way. The second one (Kliche) gets wired to the output jack and power and ground in the normal way. Then connect SHO output to Kliche input.

The only thing missing in Barry’s drawing is the SHO needs power and ground. Just run a second set of black and red wires from the DC jack to the SHO.
It should. Barry’s right, I forgot the kliche has a special footswitch setup. So my revised statement would be:

Basically, the first one (SHO) gets wired to the input jack and power and ground in the normal way. The second one (Kliche) gets wired to the output jack and power and ground in the normal way. Then connect SHO output to Kliche input.

The only thing missing in Barry’s drawing is the SHO needs power and ground. Just run a second set of black and red wires from the DC jack to the SHO.
And you'll of course need to add connection from the footswitch if you want an LED for the SHO
yes.. I do want to run an led for the sho as well
So you'll run a ground to the center lug of the footswitch, wire the Cathode of the LED to the empty lug above it, the LED's anode then goes to your CLR and then to 9VDC, the CLR can be on either the +or - side and is typically 4.7K, lower will make it brighter, higher will make it dimmer
No, that yellow wire would go to the led cathode (black lead) and the led red lead would go to 9V
It's workin'... thank you... Being that the kliche has a different switching kinda layout I couldn't figure it out.. it all makes sense now. Lessoned learned.. Working on boxing it up this weekend.