DEMO Trembling Loon (4ms Tremulus Lune)

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5.00 star(s)
Here's another one I buttoned up yesterday but didn't get a chance to post a build report until today.

This is a really neat tremolo with a really wide range of sounds and adjustments available with the 6 controls.

I generally shy away from 6 knob builds because I get confused heh and stuck with option paralysis. But it's pretty easy to dial up some nice sounds with this one.

I was hoping to be able to get like a Fender style amp tremolo out of it and it certainly does that and a lot more.

Pretty straightforward build and I built it stock to the BOM with a GL5516 LDR and 3mm diffused red LED for the LFO parts.
The only complaint I have is that it's got a TON of gain. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way or if I did something wrong.

I have to have the gain pot near full CCW in order to get unity gain.

All the other controls have obscure names but fiddling with them I figured out what they do.
You can get everything from a subtle shimmer to full on hard choppy tremolo and it can get really fast as well.

Sounds great with a little bit of dirt.

I recorded a short demo of it with some knob tweaking, then I kicked on my Bullrush Overdrive with a very low gain setting. Sounds really cool!

So from Grateful Dead to 16th Century Irish harp tunes (Turlough O'Carolan), I'm all about variety when it comes to demo's hahahah........
This is usually a tune I play on acoustic but somehow it sounded good through this setup.



I can get unity with it down low. Just didn't think a trem would have that much boost! I'm gonna have to try pushing an amp with it.
I can get unity with it down low. Just didn't think a trem would have that much boost! I'm gonna have to try pushing an amp with it.

The trem circuit that I put in my ‘Fuzzolo’ has a huge 12dB boost. I’ve read that many people use a trem with the depth down low for a boost.
I have a vero board pedal of this, that manages 6 controls with a fixed unity output—was on my board until I got an amp with built in trem. The LFO controls available with this design are all so useful, and the overall sound is quite good.

Great demo, I think you’re getting more comfortable with all the demos, and your playing has gotten a bit looser.
The amount of different sounds that you can make with this pedal is crazy lol. I love mine. I switched my gain pot to a 10k though. Also tried a jrc4558d instead of the tl022cp. It actually had some break up with the jrc. Ended up putting the tlo22 back in for the cleaner tone.