Electro-Harmonix Talking Pedal (or any formant wah)


Well-known member

I could only find a partial circuit on DIYstompboxes:
..but there's a few other projects that seem similar:
Anderton's AntiWah

It's a bummer that all the circuits I find only use two filters. From what I've read, you get a better vocal sound with three filters.

I've been trying to find a datasheet on all the explicit ranges for each vowel sound, but so far no luck.
Roland Funny Cat, I'd be all over that. Missed out on 3PDT.com's run. Would be great if it had all Moosapotamus' mods.

I thought I had more formant stuff, but can't find any of it. Not even the Funny Cat came up when I searched my HD.

Fuzzy memories of formant stuff possibly from Craig Anderton, MFOS, PAiA...

It might be easier to find a Eurorack Formant project to stompify.
Could you use an auto-wah circuit, and control tone with an expression pedal?

I just finished an auto-wah (funkadelic man)...
I've built both the EHX Bass Balls and Colorsound Dipthonizer and can heartily endorse them for this kind of sound.
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Could you use an auto-wah circuit, and control tone with an expression pedal?
Not sure I totally understand.

I'm more used to playing with formant filters in the VST world or in Eurorack (as @Feral Feline mentioned,) so I'm used to the three peak visualization, with the middle filter sweeping, like here:

Although it looks like all these guitar pedal versions only use two filters, usually controlled by a ganged pot.
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