IVP Pre-amp Build


Well-known member
Someone else posted their Dimension-C build, which is probably the hardest build I've ever done. I'd put this one right up there though... AionFX IVP Pre-amp based on the Intersound Instrument Voicing Preamp first released in 1978 as a rack-mount. The Aion build shrinks everything down to a more convenient pedal size, while being a direct clone of the original. Pre-drive and post-drive effects loops are not included by default, but can be added as long as you're willing to do a little trace cutting. AionFX left them out of the default build because there was doubt over the practicality of the loops when dealing with a pedal version of a pre-amp. I decided to go with the default build with a simple input / output.

Aion Intersound IVP - 02.jpg

Looking at the main PCB (above), it isn't hard to see why this is considered a difficult build. There are a lot of components, and a lot of places things can go wrong if you're not careful. The 3PDT daughter board (below) is a bit unusual as well. Instead of simply serving as a bypass, it is also houses part of the power supply as the pedal operates on a bipolar +/-15V - generated from a normal 9V DC supply. This avoids the necessity of mixing a 9V AC supply among a population of pedals that generally run on 9V DC. I actually run one pedal on 9V AC from my T-Rex Fuel Tank - a T-Rex Replica pedal. It has a big red cord going into the big red "AC" source on the Fuel Tank. Hopefully I'll never get it reversed as that would lead to the death of multiple pedals.

Aion Intersound IVP - 03.jpg

Apart from the exotic parts list required because of the power system, the IVP uses a lot of more mundane components as well. As you can see from the partially populated enclosure below - there are 14 separate potentiometers, two SPDT switches, four LEDs (with only the bezels installed below), and two 3PDT stomp switches.

Aion Intersound IVP - 05.jpg

For the enclosure art, I just went with text on this one, along with a old school "intersound" logo. I did make one goof in the process, the LED labeled "HIGH-MID" should be labeled "PEAK" - but I'm not going back and fixing it at this point. The LED comes on when you're breaking over into clipping behavior on the amp. You actually want to see it some, but not all the time - it is sort of a balancing act. The really hot Seymour Duncan pickups on my Chapman ML-1 Pro Hybrid can certainly keep that light on if I want it on! I ended up using several Boss style knobs on this build because, well, that's what I had 14 of lying about. Of course, now I'm going to need more for some "other projects" I have upcoming, so I sense another Love My Switches order coming in the not so distant future.

Aion Intersound IVP - 04.jpg

Once the pedal was together, I spent a while going through all of the controls ensuring that it was functioning properly, and so far everything seems to be perfect. This was a challenging build, and I love the fact that it fired up right away. The Tube Drive channel is especially good on this particular preamp, and I expect that once I get the recording system set up on my computer, I'm going to be putting it to frequent use!

A little more at the blog...
That's a whole lot of something. So what's the deal with this thing? In other words, what the fuck is that fuckin thing?
It's a pre-amp - you can run it right into a power amp and pretty much control your EQ / drive / etc. directly from the pedal. You can also stack it with your existing amp (I'd just stick with the clean channel) to provide additional tone control, etc. If you were really ambitious you could also presumably attach it right to a mini solid-state amp and create an amp in a box...
I guess what I mean to ask is what is it known for or is it associated with a specific musician, album, studio engineer, etc? I had never heard of it til some folks started talking about it here a few months ago. Looks like a fun and rewarding build to say the least
Apologies for resurrecting a long past thread. I am currently building one of these as we speak and I am crippled with indecision regarding the effects loops. I get that the usefulness of one in a pedal is limiting, but now is the time for me to decide.

So, if anyone was to do it again, would you do the loops? skip? do the pre but not the post or vise versa?
I've built several - all in the configuration above. If you're using it as a pedal, I think it's fine without the extra loops. However if you want to get fancy and use it as a rack or build it into an actual amplifier - that might change my mind.
Apologies for resurrecting a long past thread. I am currently building one of these as we speak and I am crippled with indecision regarding the effects loops. I get that the usefulness of one in a pedal is limiting, but now is the time for me to decide.

So, if anyone was to do it again, would you do the loops? skip? do the pre but not the post or vise versa?
I was planning on including the loops, just to keep it truer to the original and if I never use them so be it, but they’ll be there if I need them.

Since I can’t leave well enough alone, I also plan on giving the loops their own bypass switches with switching-jacks (nothing in loop and my clumsy feet hit the loop bypass I don’t kill the signal; or accidentally hit it and then tear my board apart and hair out as I try to find why my signal’s dead forgetting about the loopsssie-daisy but I digress).

Working in those extra two stompers in an already over-crowded/complicated with that cursed Aion-daughterboard-bypass… I’m gonna need a bigger boat for this Great White.

@Fingolfen — did you ever manage to get your wife to play her bass through your IVP build?
This thread has me thinking about the IVP build I am working on. I initially thought I would do it without the loops but after looking into them a bit I actually think they are kind of interesting.

I’m thinking I might do only the pre voice loop. It effectively breaks the pedal into an EQ and drive pedal and allows you to route them flexibly. Additional foot switches would be helpful to turn the EQ and drive sides off independently.
I built the small drive-only version and it has a really cool and unique drive structure. Makes me curious about the big one but it likely wouldn't be used all that much...