Thank you! The screen is super helpful! I also have a 1590b sized version of the project with 4 knobs and no screen. It's cool too, and can be done with all through-hole parts, but I find myself using the 125b one with the screen more often.
Creating this pedal project was my way to learn KiCad and learn as much as I could about electronics. I had never really done this stuff before, I have a programming background, so I'm by no means an expert on circuits or hardware. I spent a ton of time watching tutorials (Getting to Blinky) and learning the basics of KiCad. The cool thing about Electro-Smith is they share their schematics for the hardware. So I started by re-creating parts of the Daisy Petal, as they called it, in KiCad and then over time started modifying it to add some of the stuff like the screen etc. It was a fun multi-month project, learned a ton. Decided to put it all on GitHub because I hope others find it useful, can learn from it, or will contribute to it. I'm still tinkering with it, but it's awesome to see others have built their own stuff based on this or have had my pedal manufactured to use. I love that!