Electric Druid Stomp LFO


Well-known member
Wanted to explore the Electric Druid's "StompLFO" circuit to discover what delicious LFO capabilities it holds. And "WOW!", what a circuit! IMO, it is by far the most flexible Auto-Wah style filter FX I've encountered. Of the four PIC-based LFO chips available from Electric Druid, this is the smallest and simplest, but it packs a LOT of LFO mojo. And while I haven't made a demo myself, this one on YouTube urged me to acquire a couple. Here's my quick & dirty build of one to check it out for exploratory endeavors . . . .

Electric_Druid_StompFlo_Done_01.jpg Electric_Druid_StompFlo_Done_02.jpg Electric_Druid_StompFlo_Gutshot_01.jpg

The plan is to explore the possibilities of using the StompLFO chip in other circuits. Now, where have I placed my breadboard?