Curds and whey distortion added to a better overdrive?


Well-known member
Hey team

I recently built a Curds and Whey (Crowther Prunes and Custard) that I really like.

To my ears this is a mediocre overdrive pedal with an amazingly weird gain stage. This has me thinking, can I add the gain stage to a better overdrive pedal?

If I start with something like a Timmy, can I add this gain stage to it I have screenshots of both schematics attached. If I add the curds and whey stage ( from r7 on) to the timmy (Pin 2 of SW1) this should work right as long as there is a mix control?

I can draw up a schematic tomorrow to hopefully explain what i mean better. I just think this can be better if we start with a decent overdrive. I've never built a timmy but love the kingtone blues power.


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Here is my rough idea. It is a simplified Timmy with the Prunes and Custard intermodulator and mix part.

Is there any reason this would not work?

I made the first and second gain go to GND instead of Vref. Timmy went to vref but I changed this to ground. Is this an issue?
The idea is that I really like the intermodulator sound from the Crowther Prunes and Custard but the overdrive sound is a bit meh. I wanted a decent overdrive with the ability to incorproate the cool prunes and custard sounds.

I have the following questions.

1 - Will this work
2 - Any glaring errors or suggestions for improvement?
3 - I made it so the gain from both stages in the Timmy went to gnd instead of VREF - Is this a mistake?
4 - Any way to get more out of the intermodulator?
5 - Is this whole idea a mistake?

EDIT: RE Q2. Yes I see that C10 is not connected to anything. Also R16 should probably be connected to VREF I assume.
Someone on a Facebook forum suggested instead of the mix pot i use an op amp mixer such as that used in the boss ce2 and walrus Julia. This seems like a good idea to me

I am definitely not an expert so I can't offer advice. I'm just growing out of the paint by numbers phase of my DIY journey. But I agree with your opinion on the Prunes and Custard and this seems like a very worthy experiment. PPCB Curds and Whey is always on everyones Top 10 lists. There is a lot of potential in adding the cool portion of the Prunes and Custard circuit to more worthy drive/distortion/fuzz circuits.
I am definitely not an expert so I can't offer advice. I'm just growing out of the paint by numbers phase of my DIY journey. But I agree with your opinion on the Prunes and Custard and this seems like a very worthy experiment. PPCB Curds and Whey is always on everyones Top 10 lists. There is a lot of potential in adding the cool portion of the Prunes and Custard circuit to more worthy drive/distortion/fuzz circuits.
Yeah, same. I wish I had something more than enthusiasm to contribute to this. I'd mess with any circuit related to the prunes&custard.
Here is where I am at so far, I have fixed up things that seem to be issues. I will read through those wavefolder documents, I am very interested in the shape poteniometer, hopefully I can include one.

I'm glad there is enthusiasm for this and it's not just me.

Since I suck at breadboarding, I'll have a PCB made of this fairly soon and see how it goes. Fingers crossed it works. I'll post my results, even if it is a total failure.


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