DEMO Captain Bit

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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
It's taking me a while to put together my builds, but today I finally wrapped one up. I have been building two Captain Bits, but I accidentally ordered only one B2K pot instead of two, so the second one is going to have to wait... Oh well. The build went mostly smooth, except for the fact that when I soldered the pots in, I didn't realize that the board was pushed in the enclosure way farther in on the left side than the right so the bottom right pot leads barely came through the holes. That worried me a bit, but it turned out to be fine. Also, as I was soldering the pots, I had to get really close to the transformer and I may have slightly heated up the plastic. I smelled it for a second but you can't really see it. Boxed before rocking it, worked the first time and it sounds awesome! Art still courtesy of my trusty label maker.

Reviving this as I am revisiting some of these label maker builds. I laser cut this faceplate this morning, after making the graphics last night. So this is quick and simple, nothing fancy and definitely did not overthink it. The reason I rushed it a bit is that I’m bringing this to my trip to Italy (leaving tomorrow) to give to a friend. 1989 is the year we met (I was 7).

I think it turned out pretty well even with the basic font. Hella basic.