Even more new Tayda colors!

went to check on viola pink availability... (still 'out of stock')

FWIW, I placed an order for a Viola Pink enclosure right after they went out of stock but before the site was updated. I ended up taking a chance on Viva Magenta and I'm pretty happy. It's hard to capture in a picture, but here it is next to a Love My Switches envelope and some Tayda bubble wrap for comparison.

anyone order both Candy Yellow and Candy Gold at this point? I've tried the regular, non-candy gold, as well as the Candy Yellow, but I'm curious how the Candy Gold compares.
Looks great, but it looks almost... leathery? Or maybe amber-y? I assume it looks a bit more sparkly in person? But anyway it looks cool, might try that in the next batch!
It does look almost leathery, not a lot of sparkle
It does look almost leathery, not a lot of sparkle
Hmm, some sort of black and slightly off-white "Ye Olde Adrian's Snake Oil Overdrive" made to look like a bottle label might work with for the Guardian I have in my backlog, or something along those lines:unsure:

(nothing against ThorpyFX or the pedal, it was just the first one in my backlog which sort of fit)