I wish my wishlist was working


New member
Anyone else having trouble with the wishlist page on the site? I see the first 4 items on my list but in the "Price" column for the fourth one, I get a "There has been a critical error on this website" error message. I know there are more than 4 things on my list...
Yes, it's disabled temporarily.

I got an email from our web provider stating that the current version of the wishlist plugin has a security vulnerability.

I've contacted the plugin author but so far gotten no response...

It'll be back as soon as I get a fix or replacement.
No updates yet, the plugin developer hasn't responded to any support requests in about six months, it's not looking promising.
(They're located in Ukraine, working on a little web plugin might not be top priority)

Right now we have two options, continue to wait for a response/fix or switch to a different wishlist plugin.

There is no option to Import/Export existing wishlists however, so switching to another plugin would mean all existing wishlists would be lost.
Jus bookmark those boards! Mine are already lined up for their deathmarch into the basket around the time black friday comes knocking. 🤭
Is the plugin open source?
Would be nice if we could just fork & update the deps.

If not, are the wishlists stored in a database that’s accessible on your end? If so, I wouldn’t mind making a script that maps from the current wishlist data model to a new one if a different plugin is needed.
Is the plugin open source?

Yes, it's open source.

If not, are the wishlists stored in a database that’s accessible on your end?

It is, everything is stored in a MySQL database. What I'm not entirely familiar with is the way the data is structured.... plugins don't create their own tables in the database, the WordPress API handles all of that. Data is stored in a huge unorganized table. You'd have to sift through the plugin code to determine what data was stored, rather than just glance at the table and make a quick conversion.
A wish list would be cool.

That said, I have been adding them to my nerdy spreadsheet with all the parts so I can deduct them from my inventory when it is time to build.