a lot of Mask Audio Electronics


Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
All (except Modern Revolt) are in 1590B enclosures for pain and suffering purposes. I have yet to perfect the top in/out/power template and its my least favorite part of this enclosure. I have little knowledge of Devi Ever, and what I have read, makes me want to keep it that way. Some of these are housed in "mistake" enclosures, so the led might be sticking out, or not even there. Overall, these are fun builds. Some I love, some are meh.

Enclosures are a combo of hydro dipping, rattle can paint, cooking/burning and waterslide decals

Top Row: Red/Yellow - MSB - Cronus - One Knob Clang
Bottom Row: Quick Face - Notch - Big Clang - Modern Revolt

Red Yellow: Based on Devi Ever Soda Mizer/Noise Floor. This is like that exotic spice you have in your cabinet. You wont need it often, but when you do, there are no substitutes. At its most "normal" its a heavy gated fuzz. 4/5 internet arguments

MSB: Based on Mirro Safety Bag. I love this pedal. I decided to use massive 1/2 watt resistors to complete the fat man in a little car parody. Its a fuzz pedal, with a switch that cuts or adds low end. Very usable. 5/5 internet arguments

Cronus: based around a Stanimal-modded Devi Ever Hyperion. Volume and drive and two three-way switches. Some combo's are great. Some are incredibly noisy and dark. I like it, but see weird spice reference above. 4/5 internet arguments

One knob clang: Harmonic perc with just a volume knob. I have an Si tran in Q1, and a germ. in Q2. Very usable, responsive to the guitars volume pot. Can sound awful if you use specific transistor combo's, recommend socketing. 5/5 internet arguments

Quick Face: Volume, low end add/subtract knob and a bias knob. Very usable. 5/5 internet arguments
Notch: Do not recommend for guitar, maybe for bass. Its essentially a static filter, so for specific use scenarios it might be invaluable. 2/5 internet arguments

Big Clang: Silicon harmonic Percolator. On the fence still, some transistor/diode combos are good, some are overly "harmonic percy" . I haven't arrived at an end all trans/diode combo as of yet. 3/5 internet arguments

Modern Revolt: Based on Death by Audio Octave something or another. By itself its kinda meh, but I have found that running it with another drive can be useful. Im not super into octave pedals so...I'm meh on it. 2/5 internet arguments.

*Not pictured Small Format Drive: Boost that can fuzz. Specific uses, its great. Kinda boring if not needed 3/5 arguments


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