Input and 9V are on the same rail. A simple cut will solve that. Other than that I think it looks ok. I'm assuming you also know how to complete the circuit from the EQ out pin.
Not bad for your first time! Some advice for stipboard layouts.
Try as much as possible to keep the component lengths to their "flattest" length like you were going to mount them onto a PCB. Resistors are a bit easier to work with to extend their leads since they lie pretty flat. I think resistors are 4 holes and box caps are 3? I need to dig up some stripboard to confirm, but this is off the top of my head.
Try to keep the layout as compact as possible. You can use a single track for multiple paths as long as there is a cut in there.
From my perspective I consider the screenshot you shared "incomplete." I only say that because if you were to look at Tagboard or DirtboxLayouts, there is a title of the circuit, the number of cuts/traces, board size, notes about offboard wiring, component identification (transistor IDs in this case). It just makes a good reference if you ever stumble upon this in the future. Otherwise you'll have no idea what circuit this is or how to build the layout relatively quickly. Or anybody else for that matter.