REQUEST PedalPCB 4 Tap DC Converter/Isolator 1590A

I've DYI'ed a similar concept for a 125B type enclosure. 18vDC 1.5A input supply, a 9vDC (LM317T) regulator trimmed to 9v and filtered, (5) 9vDC isolated outputs and (2) 18vDC inputs.

If i can fit this with Terro board, PedalPCB can surely fit it with their double sided layiouts!
And that's fitted with the following, as suggested by M. PedalPCB himself, I may have added a washer so it's snug.
5mm Male standoff paired with a 20mm Female standoff
I've DYI'ed a similar concept for a 125B type enclosure. 18vDC 1.5A input supply, a 9vDC (LM317T) regulator trimmed to 9v and filtered, (5) 9vDC isolated outputs and (2) 18vDC inputs.

If i can fit this with Terro board, PedalPCB can surely fit it with their double sided layiouts!
That’s a very interesting idea. I bought two but I hadn’t thought of boxing them together 🤔
Hi, does anyone have a printable drill template for the 4 tap dc brick?
i also need this.
has anyone attempted to build one of these without using a pre-drilled enclosure?

but also.
the specified DC-DC converter (IEB0105S09) appears to have gone obselete:

but it's ok, it's been replaced with an alternative series that costs more than double the original:

@Robert this IE series should be fine? looks identical to the obselete series (IEB)