Powering pedals with coin cells


Well-known member
See title. I want to stick an Electra into my beater Mustang, to make it a better jam session guitar. It's a little too small and thin to route a battery compartment, so I am thinking of using coin cells. Any reason a low power use circuit like an Electra wouldn't work with 3 stacked coin cells? I know they don't put out much current.
You can make it work.

Having a "senior" moment and can't remember the name, but there was a guy making nano-pedals about the size of 1/3 to 1/2 a 1590A (making the enclosures himself, too I think) and they ran on a watch battery. This is before SMD, so it was quite a feat to produce such a small pedal.



There's Japanese brand Albit, which also did a few micro-nano type pedals.
Three in upper left corner:

Hard to search for them because of EHX Microsynth, NanoPog etc etc.


Check out MAS Effects' SMD BazzFuss. You could maybe tweak that into an Electra.

Good luck !
Already have the board, actually! 3x10 vero build I found online. I ordered some coin cells on Amazon, and I'm working on some sort of 3 coin cell holder because those apparently do not exist. Need to find a way to make it easy to access, too - either that or have a way to check battery life with a DMM before taking it out.
RE COIN HOLDER What about cutting up a plastic coin holder (like they use at the bank), or if you've got a mother who's on every type of medication known to geriatrics then maybe a pill-bottle you can cut-up, glue together, poke holes into... Or an old film canister.

COIN HOLDERS (plastic) for batteries, too.png

If you build another one of these onboard-electras, I quite like these little GBOF boards from GPCB. A buck-twenty on sale now.


They are TINY! Easily fit in most geetar cavities. Here's one I socketed so I can "breadboard" on it (and other socketed nonsense), chip socket for scale:


The little boards have their limitations and it's honestly sometimes better/easier to just go perf or vero, but ... they're such FUN!
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There’s some projects on thingiverse that look like they might work.

Some possibilities here, including some coin cell holders:

Also a couple LiPos in series would get close to 8v, and they're easy to charge with the USB chargers on that page. I always just use their JST connectors rather than trying to cut the wires, because, you know, kaboom.
Revisiting some old threads of mine, and I thought I should add to this one. This project was a success, and went into a Mustang. I have since stuffed effects into two cheap guitars, one expensive guitar, a bass, and an amp head. For all except the amp head, three coin cells work great! Stack them up, hold a lead with a good amount of conductor exposed to each side of the stack, wrap in electrical tape, and done. For things that have low current draw such as boosts, distortions, and some compressors, this is a viable option if you don't want to route a proper 9V battery chamber.