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  1. DeadAirMD

    Drill templates - page properties ?

    I feel ya bud, sucks that happened. As @swelchy said, we have all been there before. I'm the most backwards mf'er here for sure! I don't always fully complete and box up every board I build, since they don't always work with my style/setup. So I completely populate the entire board, switches...
  2. DeadAirMD

    V1.3 Triangle Big Muff Fuzz

    Nice job man! Gives me some great ideas for some mods to do this weekend to play around with. I literally covered that entire board in sockets, so I can switch out any component. I can't remember what exactly I did, but I blended together 3 different Muffs circuits into one, to shape the tone...
  3. DeadAirMD

    PPCB Dumble Pedals

    Getting into diy pedal building 2 years ago has been the best thing to happen to my tone discovery. Being able to tweak every circuit to fit my style and tone has been beyond thrilling. Has made it so much easier to test for myself whether I like soft/hard clipping, symmetrical/asymmetrical...
  4. DeadAirMD

    PPCB Dumble Pedals

    Thanks for all of the recommendations everyone. Placed on order last night for Dumble/Timmy style circuits. Good to go!
  5. DeadAirMD

    Why here? Left turn at Albuquerque

    @jjjimi84 first you got me started on the hydro dipping kit, which has saved SO much time from all the hand painting I did. Can't believe I never thought to dip the knobs?!?! Just amazing work you guys! @Pauleo1214 if you need to go out even deeper into the universe (4 Archnids to 8!!!!), I...
  6. DeadAirMD

    PPCB Dumble Pedals

    So I have a Zendrive and have build the Scenario, which I absolutely adore. Also a bit confused as to the link for the Scenario circuit topology, is it Dumble or Timmy? I've built waaay too many OD pedals and have found that with my amp and guitars, Dumble style circuits seem to work the best...
  7. DeadAirMD

    Some potentiometers have a ground short when tightened

    Ran into the same problem a few times as well. Sounds great, box it up, doesn't work. Loosen all the pots, screamin' toans! Also use pot condoms, so they're not making contact with the board.
  8. DeadAirMD

    Cannon Fodder MKII blast switch doesn't do much until engaged awhile

    The Effects Layouts board Long Tom,works pretty much the same, also dependent on knob position. I think it's either the "Gain" or "Shape" knob, can't remember. Haven't used it in a while, but I had it dialed in where anytime I would stomp the momentary switch, it would instantly engage.
  9. DeadAirMD

    Genuine spring reverb build recommendations?

    @Locrian99 was beyond kind and sent me 2 Reverb boards with another item for a contest I won here. The DIY Riptide Reverb was one of those boards and is very similar to that one, may even be the exact same. Built it with the "Long" Accutronics blue plastic spring reverb "tank". The Spring reverb...
  10. DeadAirMD

    AionFx Zenith

    Sick artwork!
  11. DeadAirMD

    Anyone had trouble with an order from Small Bear (SynthCube)?

    I had a package last year that evaporated in the USPS system, "shocking" surprise. I sent them an email and next day they had the same order sent to me at no cost, even for shipping. About a month later the original package showed up. I ordered a boat load of germanium transistors so was pretty...
  12. DeadAirMD

    Muffin Factory

    Man, just the definition of a clean build. This is definitely 100% a pedal from PPCB that more than benefits from using a faceplate. Nice work!!! I've had that board/faceplate for almost a year. Your post just moved that project up in line from my massive backlog.
  13. DeadAirMD

    Missing Build Docs / Schematics

    @Robert, hey bud, just wanted to take a second to thank you for dropping Docs with your new PCB releases recently. I know all of us absolutely LOVE that the parts are silkscreened on the boards, but it's always so nice to scope the schematic. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend...
  14. DeadAirMD

    Collateral FX Sea of Japan

    Super cool idea making holes in the PCB for using zip ties to hold down the "lamp shade"
  15. DeadAirMD

    Understanding VRef

    @Robert @p_wats 100% totally agree! That was such a perfect explanation Robert, absolutely understand Vref so much better because of that excellent explanation.
  16. DeadAirMD

    Charge pump

    I don't know why, but I ALWAYS have problems with charge pump ic's........unless it's a LT1054. I stopped buying anything else a long time ago. The TC1044 datasheet has information on how to correct oscillation that may occur with that charge pump ic.
  17. DeadAirMD

    does diff. Volt matter much in Film cap?

    I always shoot for stuff between 25v-50v. That way, if I want to use 18v for a particular circuit, I am usually able to. But, that also can depend on the voltage ratings of of IC chips used.
  18. DeadAirMD

    SO-8 to DIP-8 Adapter Hacks - UPDATED

    I spend so much money on pedal building, that I try to cut cost some places. For leads, I solder clipped off legs from components I used on the board. I use a flush cutter by clipping the first leg on the end, then resting the fresh clipped bottom of that leg on the cutter to cut the next leg...
  19. DeadAirMD

    Skeptical Buffer Build Report

    Man, I keep seeing threads "popping" up about the SB having issues. I built one this year and mine works perfectly 🤔
  20. DeadAirMD

    Long 6/32 screw broke off in powder-coated enclosure hole, stuck

    I'm a two screw man has never left me satisfied.