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  1. kristopher


    When I build, I test the guts before popping them into an enclosure. Most of the time, they're loose on the floor. And in the past, if I wanted to jam/gig with the circuit, I would use an enclosure that I fawked up drilling, or, occasionally a cardboard box. Instead of getting a prototype...
  2. kristopher

    Double Seabed out of Phase?

    To whom it may concern, I built a double Seabed, with a self oscillating switch, on the first delay. Having two speeds, one into another, is so much fun. Being able to have the second delay running long, and the first set to a short slap back, is fun-tastic. And I got lucky, the second is a bit...
  3. kristopher

    Octarock with an oct up switch.

    If you decide to build the Octarock, with a switch to disengage the upper octave, put it in a tall enclosure. I used a 1590bb. The jacks are as high as possible, and I taped the area where the input/output can rub the Pcb. If the jacks were lower, then the components and switches get rubbed, I...
  4. kristopher

    3-in-1 combo 1590bb

    A Trumpeter, Squidward, MOSFET Boost (GuitarPCB). ‘‘Twas a smooth build. Someday I’ll start labeling them. Just a little combo I put together. I rearranged my board and needed these three circuits, in a 1590bb. Then after about a month, and another rearrangement of my board. I went back to my...
  5. kristopher

    Cepheid volume resistors

    Hello er’body, I find that my Cepheid chorus has a slight volume increase when engaged. I’ve read a few things about modding the volume for a boost, by decreasing r34 and r35, from 47k to… a lower k. When I get home to the bench, I’d like to try the opposite. Perhaps even socket them and try a...
  6. kristopher

    125b 3 in 1

    I recently saw the thread about how much can be crammed into a 1590b. And realized I had yet to post last weekends build. A Fuzz Foundry, Green Ringer, Mosfet boost. Into a 125b. I’ve been using an AMZ mosfet boost as an always on for a while now. And a Fuzz Foundry Deluxe, that I hadn’t...
  7. kristopher

    Copper Clad and Squidward

    A few months ago I put a Copper Clad and a Squidward together in one enclosure. I added an order switcher in there to be safe. My plan WAS to have the switch below the knob for the fuzz, but space wouldn’t allow it. So I moved the switch above the knob. At first it was okay looking. But after a...
  8. kristopher

    SOLVED kliche polarity protection diode fixed, now it squeals

    A friend handed over a Stewmac Ghost Drive/ Kliche to me to repair. It worked for a few years, then went dead. I replaced the bad wiring (some were burnt at the ends), and cleaned what I could. The builder used glue to hold the wires on the the jacks, along with solder. And the pots were...
  9. kristopher

    Fuzz Foundry (GuitarPCB) and Mercurial

    A few months ago I bought some Germanium transistors from Guitar PCB, and decided to get some boards as well. I thought, "I love a good fuzz face, why not try a fuzz factory?" So I popped it together, and fell in love with the fuzz, and the tweakability. But I wanted to be able to boost it, and...
  10. kristopher

    Sproing and two CrackleJacks

    For the last few years I've been using a Belton Brick reverb pedal that I made from GGG. It has been paired with a few other effects, mostly boosts, in a 1590b or bb. The simple Belton reverb has suited my needs. And I found I was using a SHO boost most often with the reverb, and I had them...
  11. kristopher

    Phase II and the Circulator

    I'm asking for your opinions of these two Phasers. I have recently built a Phase II. And it's a fine Phaser. But I'm finding that the Circulator I built a few months back is more "Present". Maybe the term is "Cleaner"...? Based on the reviews of the Phase II, I thought it would Wow me away from...
  12. kristopher

    Do you still purchase pedals?

    Do you still purchase pedals? How often? How many? Even though you build, do you still treat yourself to a brand name or boutique pedal every now and then? I've built about 20 over the last three years. Sold a few. Modified most. And I’ve bought 2. An EHX 360 Looper, and a Foxrox Octron3. And...
  13. kristopher

    Super '64 toggle switch subtly

    How subtle is the gain change between settings? I BARELY notice a difference between the two, and my girlfriend can't. Should I investigate the issue? or is it normal? (the settings, not the girlfriend) Otherwise, it's a decent OD. I have an old 5 watt Valco and the Super 64 does mimic the tone...
  14. kristopher

    germanium transistor help

    Hello all, Long time reader, first time poster... After years of building BYOC, GGG, and GuitarPCB, I've ordered 16 boards from PedalPCB. And I'm super excited. Should be a fun year of building. I've ordered almost all the parts. I can't seem to track down: 1 pnp ge oc71 (Hfe 70-120) for the...