... At least an overpriced buffer is not claiming to cure your cold…
What a great name for it: "
Seems there are stages in my growth as a DIYer.
Gone are the early days where I thought/realised
"Coly Hrap Matban, this thing's just a few bucks in parts and they want $2Hunnert for it? Screw that!"
Then I learned some more...
Gone too are the naive days where I wanted to do this for a living, after reading extensively the comments by people who've tried to do just that, go pro. The bootiki pedal smarket is saturated more than an over-gained pre-amp, as more & more DIYers test the waters of what the smarket will bear — the amount of
MOOLAH just to get ready to bring a product to smarket is staggering.
So it's NOT just a few dollars of parts, it's NOT just how much time you'll spend building and whether you can give yourself an hourly drop-in-the-bucket that's above minimum-slavewage — does everything line up? is the powdercoating robust enough? is the requisite part still being made ie enough parts availability to sustain the design long-term? lawyers? IP? accounting? Q-control?...
Ask Sushibox, Big Monk, Mr PedalPCB himself...
I have greater respect for those hustling pedals as a sideline or full-time; and I wonder what I will learn next that will take me to that level-up new knee-deep understanding of this crazy obsession collectively called "pedals".