68K Resistor and 470p Cap?


Hi all, I have quick questions:

1. Is there a good alternative to a 68k resistor? I forgot to buy them.

2. Also, the circuit instructions call for a 470p cap, but don't specify electrolytic or film. Does it matter? I have electrolytic (a brown disc) not a film box. The circuitboard printing seems to suggest film cap (rectangle rather than a lozenge shape).

3. Circuit calls for a 1n4001 diode. That's 50v blocking right? I only have a bunch of 1n4002 and Schottkys. Would these work? Seems like the 1n4002s would be 100v and the Schottkys 20v?

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1) Try and use the closest value you have. Or use two 33k/whatever you have that adds up to near 68k in series.

2) Usually anything under 1nf is an MLCC, the disk type are okay but I much prefer the little yellow ones.

3) 1n400x are basically all the same, just different reverse max voltage handling. Generally interchangeable with a 1n5817 schottky. 1n400x are not Schottky diodes.
1) Try and use the closest value you have. Or use two 33k/whatever you have that adds up to near 68k in series.

2) Usually anything under 1nf is an MLCC, the disk type are okay but I much prefer the little yellow ones.

3) 1n400x are basically all the same, just different reverse max voltage handling. Generally interchangeable with a 1n5817 schottky. 1n400x are not Schottky diodes.
Thanks. I have 62k resistors, no 33ks. Would the 62k work ok?
Also, why do you prefer the little yellow caps? I only have the light brown discs, but I'd like to expand my collection.
62k is pretty close, should be fine.

I don’t have a compelling reason to not use the orange disc type beyond reading that their failure mode is to short out which makes troubleshooting a nightmare.