Adding Ungula Shift Control to Muffin Fuzz (GR)


Active member
I'm doing a Muffin Fuzz with a Squidward for an additional octave, and was planning to add the Shift control from the Hoof/Ungula. Seems like an easy mod, but wanted to check before doing this - solder lug 3 of a B25k pot to the first pad of R18, bridge lugs 1/2 of the pot, then solder one leg of R18 to lug 3 with the other end soldered to the other R18 pad.

Edit to add - was also planning on making the tweaks that Chuck suggested on my Ungula, since they greatly improved the shift knob utility. Increase r18 to 4k7 and c10 to 10n.
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I found most of the Ungula's SHIFT range to be useless. You're probably going to want to increase the SHIFT pot to 50K and increase R18 to 6.8K. You might also try increasing C10. You can try it all out on TSC.
I found most of the Ungula's SHIFT range to be useless. You're probably going to want to increase the SHIFT pot to 50K and increase R18 to 6.8K. You might also try increasing C10. You can try it all out on TSC.
Yes, definitely going to make those changes. I can only compare it to the actual EQD Cloven Hoof I owned previously, but the changes you suggested on my Ungula build vastly improved the utility of the Shift knob. It's still a staple for me.

Does the rest of it look correct, as far is incorporating the control for mids? Thanks Chuck!