Ambassador - Matchless Hotbox project

I put the new board together and had to troubleshoot it for a while before I discovered that it was using a bad inductor I had gotten from Tayda. Swapped out the part and everything came to life as expected. At that point I had the A1M pot installed for the Bass, but I removed it and used a C1M that I had in my parts. I am curious about some possible mods to the circuit.

I did not put this board in a pedal, but instead put in in a small box I built that also has this Jerry's Electronics power amp in it. I learned about this amp from other posts on the forums. I am using an 18 volt wall wart feeding two buck-converters, one at 18 volts for the power amp and 9 volts for the Ambassador plus a couple of extra 9v outputs on the back for other pedals. I also ended up putting an lpb-1 vero board right in front of the power amp that I am also running at 18 volts. Also shielded the inside of the wooden box with aluminum foil tape that grounds to front and back aluminum plates. Took a fair amount of trial and error to get things working, using modular plugs for most of the connections so things can be removed pretty easily as needed. Time will tell if the buck-converters hold up. They run cool and quiet and there are no problems powering the Ambassador board and at least one or two other pedals.
This is the challenge inside the enclosure!?
This is a mockup only to see if it will fit:

View attachment 50631
Here are the Slots being created using primitive methods with an Electric Hand Drill, Flat File & Round File:
1. Drill Holes undersize close together & then from one end pull Electric Drill from one hole into the next hole & keep repeating til you get to the other end!
2. Use Flat File followed by Round File on the ends.

When this was done, I had a Slider switch to fit which was fun!!!

Ambassador Tube Slots.jpg
Here are the Slots being created using primitive methods with an Electric Hand Drill, Flat File & Round File:
1. Drill Holes undersize close together & then from one end pull Electric Drill from one hole into the next hole & keep repeating til you get to the other end!
2. Use Flat File followed by Round File on the ends.

When this was done, I had a Slider switch to fit which was fun!!!

View attachment 51438
I own a CNC because I lack the skills to do stuff like this by hand. Coming along great, looking forward to seeing the final product.
I made square holes in my muffin factory with the same technique... not planning on doing it more than absolutely needed.
I own a CNC because I lack the skills to do stuff like this by hand. Coming along great, looking forward to seeing the final product.
Alright then, Go to Build Reports!
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