Another Low Tide Modulator


Well-known member
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
So here's ANOTHER Low-Tide build. It must be the season! šŸ¤£
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Overall, the build went relatively smoothly, although troubleshooting was a bit of a challenge. Luckily, there were those who went before me:

Special thanks to those who participated in these threads:

Low Tide LPG and BBD not working
My first build. Low tide. Made a mistake. Is this redeemable?

I seemed to have most of the issues described in those threads, and managed to use quite a bit of the advice given to solve my troubles. Now it's working nicely, making all kinds of things sound convicingly like they were recorded onto a tape that got left in the sun.

I also put an awful lot of work into making the enclosure look like I didn't put any work into it. The labels are waterslide under about 8 coats of 2x.

In the end, this one was really satisfying, and I'm quite proud of it.