Spun up a layout this morning for the tube burn-in/tester prototype I came up with over the weekend, looking forward to getting this in and put together. Switch in the front is to power on the module, switch in the back is to switch between 12AX7 and 12AU7 levels. Trimpots are for initial calibration, it's a set-and-forget control so I figured no need to put it on the top.
Couple of Boards nearly ready. Another one needs to go back in the oven. It's been a while. Got a few spare G enclosures I need filled, so…
Managed to get all the traces (save the ground) on one layer: Grunt. (a nod to Bean's 1590A 'Runt') MOSFET clipping Rat without the useless LPF pot. TO99 can footprint for the LM308. (Have a trace routed between the holes, so dual footprint may not work.) And bottom side MMBFJ201/5457 SMD footprint. That BS170 doesn't look pretty right there, but should sit up high enough to not collide with the BAT41 or 1k resistor.
The Jade Gazebo (Green Ringer), because why not? Also, I was not thinking straight and forgot this schematic was pre-val-footprint-conversion, so it's refDes. R6 and R13 clear the JLC DRC I have, so hopefully it won't bridge… IDK, maybe I'll tweak it some more, or add solder mask. I just bend the clips on those 9mm pots anyway. This one was kicking around my projects folder (might've been the second one, right after the super fuzz), and never had a good layout. The circuit is small enough for the G (or A), and this one looks a lot neater than the first attempt, even though I had to route 6 traces on the top layer.
I'm only going to need one of each, so I'll be giving the remainder away once my build is verified. Can go into a B if G isn't your thing.
I saw a great post on a rando forum (looking for info about omitting it), basically it said: "you have about 3 degrees of usability then it's worthless" I never touch it. It's never too bright like some breakdowns suggest. To my ears, anyway.
Decided to update my pot and switch holder to make it a test platform while I was adding middle holes for toggles now that Rob has been doing those a lot