Curiosity kills the cat: Unison Modulated, what does it do?


Active member
Hi all,

I got a Unison PCB from Robert with a pre-soldered FV-1. I had read that it's the greatest pedal from PedalPCB :cool: Not sure that's a fair statement, because that'd be comparing apples to oranges. Anyway, I had to try it.

I really like the "Dual Detune" setting (switch upward), it's fantastic.

The "Modulated" setting is what I have some questions about. It's got Chorus functionality for sure. When I set Rate and Depth to zero it is really subtle. With the 3rd pot, "Time", I can control the delay of the double tracker.

Forgetting about the Chorus, what does the "Modulated" setting do? Is it one or two detuned copies of the input signal? And is the pitch and/or the delay random? I read a bit about the Abbey ADT and it's mentioned that it was "providing variation in delay and pitch" (Link to Wikipedia).

Can the FV-1 do that? Randomize pitch and delay within some boundaries?

Kind regards,
Modulated is a modulated delay along with a delay offset. It's similar to a chorus with a lag control, except the lag affects the wet and dry paths of the chorus. Then, in addition to that, you can blend in completely dry uneffected/unlagged clean signal with the Mix control.

Dual Detune is two parallel micro-pitch shifts with a short delay offset

Double Take is similar to Dual Detune but has a longer delay offset

Yes, the FV-1 can randomize pitch and delay.
Thanks Robert!

Does the Modulated patch use randomization?

In any case, I tried a few commercial digital pedals in the past and the only one I really like is my Whammy. And now I have two digital pedals I really like :) Even crazier is that the Unison after my Whammy makes the Whammy sound even better in my humble opinion :D