DCA75 Data Export?


Well-known member
Does anyone know of a decent way to import data from the Peak DCA75 to other graphing / visualization programs? I've played around with the exported data but can't come up with a way to easily and quickly import a handful of traces to another program. It's similar to TSV but a little more complicated.

I really would like to be able to, if nothing else, have actually readable labels unlike this:

It looks like the data is just a table so you can save it as CSV load it into Python and plot it with Matplotlib. My advice is to ask ChatGPT how to do it. ;)
Does this work?

Oh man this looks promising. I'll report back, because I would much prefer not to refresh myself on python @Smrtokvitek 🫠 I did get pretty close to getting the data formatted to being usable in vega with (cowering) php
Oh man this looks promising. I'll report back, because I would much prefer not to refresh myself on python @Smrtokvitek 🫠 I did get pretty close to getting the data formatted to being usable in vega with (cowering) php

This worked surprisingly well and easily! After a while tinkering with Excel's charts I ended up using plotly. Probably not the tool I'll continue to use for something like this but wanted something decent looking quickly.
