

Well-known member
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
This is my first 250 build, so I wanted to go stock.. I have a sneaking suspicion there will be many more of these on the future bench.

I fiddled around with a bunch of diff diodes (1N270, D9E, 1N34A, 1N276, 1N60). These Mullard black glass baddies from Smallbear sounded the best - CV7364 with Vf in the low 3s.

Since this is the dirt pedal favored by Garcia, why not throw Wolf on there..

That looks awesome. I just got the 250 I built last year back out last night. I forgot how great it sounded. I think I ended up using a mix of 250 and Distortion+ values on some of the parts on accident. A friend of mine built a vero board clone with a clipping switch to go from 1n4148s to red LEDs. That's something I need to try out on the breadboard.