I got my replacement 9mm pots in the mail today.
Snipped the old ones out. So the one I originally used I got from Tayda, and they did have that "nib"
@Robert was talking about.
Sure enough that was what was causing my issues with getting the nuts on. I just did not notice them to snip them off. Fairly subtle but enough to make the pot not sit flush against the enclosure.
The replacement 9mm pots I got from Stompbox and they do not have the nibs. So I didn't need to do anything to them, except swap them out.
Plenty of thread to get the washer and nut on and cinched on. I placed them loosely in the board and bent the tabs down to hold them in place.
Then put it in the enclosure, tightened the nuts, then soldered the pots in the enclosure. Worked out well and now I have a functional gain pot woohooo!
This is without a doubt the most gainiest Klon I've ever heard, largely due to those ultra low Vf Mullard Ge diodes I used.
It's pretty cool!
Been chatting with
@szukalski offline about the wonders of using the Kliche as a boost, which I really have not explored much.
But with the gain down to about 25% and volume about 25% it boosts both my Grover, and 5lb Bag of Gold drives very nicely.
As well as my Distortion250.
Very happy to get this resolved and didn't break or melt anything with the repair hahaha