Do you pedal research?


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So when itching for a new build do you do intensive research or do you impulse buy and hope you’ll like it when done? I’m mostly the impulse guy and more often than not I’m more than happy with how it sounds. But what do you guys do with a build you just can’t bond with ?!if you’re like me it’s probably already boxed fingers crossed 1 that it works AND correctly and 2 that you’ll love it ,but what do you do about the ones you don’t like? Mine go in a drawer to get cannibalized sometime later. I have a huge bag of boards from when I m would only etch & drill my own that I didn’t like or didn’t work When I first started if the build didn’t work 1st time I wouldn’t spend a whole lot of time troubleshooting cause it was quicker to make a new one and I had plenty of board bought in bulk
Sometimes there’s some research, sometimes it’s “peer pressure” (all the cool kids are building it) from posts here, but 80% of the time it’s total impulse. I build because I love pedals and the challenge of the build. Building gives me the opportunity to try a bunch of different circuits (for personal use) for less than a commercial pedal. If I end up not liking it, meh. I might sell the cast offs to fund other builds, or they just sit on the pile waiting for me to give them a second go.
I tend to research things quite a bit. However, I think I will end up buying a few PCBs just based on them being favourites. (ie. Benson and Broadcast, do I really need both?).

For about 2 years I was using a Line 6 Stomp. It had lots of effects built in but it just kept running out of processing power if running a couple of things in stereo. I was also having noise issues with mine so I finally got rid of it. Even though people said it does the effects exactly the same, I had a few pedals that sounded way better than the versions in the firmware. So I finally ditched it and this means I get to start from scratch. If the 1st 4 pedals go well then I have a pretty big list that I want to try. I can already tell I am probably going to end up with way too many drive pedals.
I tend to research things quite a bit. However, I think I will end up buying a few PCBs just based on them being favourites. (ie. Benson and Broadcast, do I really need both?).

For about 2 years I was using a Line 6 Stomp. It had lots of effects built in but it just kept running out of processing power if running a couple of things in stereo. I was also having noise issues with mine so I finally got rid of it. Even though people said it does the effects exactly the same, I had a few pedals that sounded way better than the versions in the firmware. So I finally ditched it and this means I get to start from scratch. If the 1st 4 pedals go well then I have a pretty big list that I want to try. I can already tell I am probably going to end up with way too many drive pedals.
Yes you need them both as they are two different amazing beasts.
I either buy boards that I think I will like, or stuff that I hope to learn something from building. I love the creative process and I love to make things, but I don't actually like using pedals all that much. Most of the pedals I build sit on a shelf afterwards.
I try to do as much research as I can (youtube, pedal forums, etc.) but there were a few from way back (mostly Tim Escobedo circuits) that I had to go on instinct and the meager descriptions I could find online. Most often I was pleased with the results, even if they might be super wacky and nontraditional at all.

I think that name recognition and rarity goes a long way too for people pulling the trigger on a new pedal. I remember making a run of Big Cheese clones back in the day and people lined up even though there were very little actual sound clips circulating at the time. Good thing it was such a cool circuit.
Mostly just spray and pray.

I haven't had too many disappointments as of yet...though the majority of what I choose to build falls outside of the standard overdrive/distortion model. I'm often bored by distortion's like, meh, gain. If I'm gonna build something that clips, I want it to mangle the s@$! out of my signal.

My l6 helix covers 90% of the hi-fi stuff, but it suffers from being too broad of a canvas. Building and fucking around with a pedal or two helps me slow that down.
I’ve been Underwhelmed on occasion with the occasional build. I usually set it aside and eventually become enamored with it. My thing lately is the rat. Never cared for them until recently. I have found several flavors and lots of mods I’ve been working on in eagle.
If I'm gonna build something that clips, I want it to mangle the s@$! out of my signal.

My l6 helix covers 90% of the hi-fi stuff, but it suffers from being too broad of a canvas. Building and fucking around with a pedal or two helps me slow that down.

Line 6 definitely spoiled me for having stereo delay, IRs and reverbs. It really added dimension to the sound at low volumes and playing through headphones. People said that the overdrives and fuzzes were really good in Line 6. However, I had a few ODs that were supposedly the same in Helix but they were not the same detail at all. Other effects like phaser and harmonic tremolo also didn't compare that well to even other digital algorithms. So for me there are tons of possible projects. All of the overdrive and preamp pedals I am looking at are not available in Helix so even if I get one again at some point, I won't feel the need to get rid them all.
I'm a little compulsive in this regard. I'm waiting on a Muffin Fuzz board now and have watched countless videos about every variation of BMP I can find, trying to decide which one I want to go with.
Research. I probably over-research every purchase I make (not just pedals, everything).
I'm a little compulsive in this regard. I'm waiting on a Muffin Fuzz board now and have watched countless videos about every variation of BMP I can find, trying to decide which one I want to go with.
The best/worse thing I have ever done is make a chart that allows me to convert the Kit Rae schematics to the PedalPCB Muffin board…
Line 6 definitely spoiled me for having stereo delay, IRs and reverbs. It really added dimension to the sound at low volumes and playing through headphones. People said that the overdrives and fuzzes were really good in Line 6. However, I had a few ODs that were supposedly the same in Helix but they were not the same detail at all. Other effects like phaser and harmonic tremolo also didn't compare that well to even other digital algorithms. So for me there are tons of possible projects. All of the overdrive and preamp pedals I am looking at are not available in Helix so even if I get one again at some point, I won't feel the need to get rid them all.
Word. I've been thinking of selling mine and picking up an axe-fx recently...particularly their new model. Even though it's not gonna be in stock for like...five years...

But I certainly can say that the only reason I use mine is for Amp Sims, IR loading (gawd their built-in cab models are AWFUL), delay and reverb.

And sure...their whammy algorithm is pretty decent too.

But I haven't really dug super deep into the multitude of models in there. Too much to tweak, too easy to switch to the next model, no real incentive to sit with something and explore it because there's SO MUCH that you have to dial in and explore.

It tweaks my ADHD REAL bad.
Word. I've been thinking of selling mine and picking up an axe-fx recently...particularly their new model. Even though it's not gonna be in stock for like...five years...

But I certainly can say that the only reason I use mine is for Amp Sims, IR loading (gawd their built-in cab models are AWFUL), delay and reverb.

And sure...their whammy algorithm is pretty decent too.

But I haven't really dug super deep into the multitude of models in there. Too much to tweak, too easy to switch to the next model, no real incentive to sit with something and explore it because there's SO MUCH that you have to dial in and explore.

It tweaks my ADHD REAL bad.

This is how I felt when listening to music went mp3. I'm an entire album guy but if i have the ability, ADD takes over and I just sift through, never settling on something. Glad I shifted to vinyl. I still went nuts on Napster in 1999. Eat it, Lars.

I could never function with one of those all encompassing effects units but I can see the draw for sure.
Word. I've been thinking of selling mine and picking up an axe-fx recently...particularly their new model. Even though it's not gonna be in stock for like...five years...

But I certainly can say that the only reason I use mine is for Amp Sims, IR loading (gawd their built-in cab models are AWFUL), delay and reverb.

And sure...their whammy algorithm is pretty decent too.

But I haven't really dug super deep into the multitude of models in there. Too much to tweak, too easy to switch to the next model, no real incentive to sit with something and explore it because there's SO MUCH that you have to dial in and explore.

It tweaks my ADHD REAL bad.
Yeah, I actually miss mine for the amp sim aspect. Their delays are pretty good and the more recent reverb with 3.1 was also good. They also have a tape warble effect that I liked. (Now thinking of building a Low Tide for that). I know what you mean about the cabs. I spent hours downloading and trying new IRs. I guess that time is not wasted since I have a list of favourites now. I think you have to go through a big time wasting session and make 5 or 6 locked in presets and then forget about all the stuff it can do.

The Axe Fx stuff tempted me for a while but I don't want to spend that much. I also find it interesting that alot people are jumping on the Headrush MX5 and dumping their stomps. A few things I have read have suggested that some of these companies are getting ready for their next gen of products. The problem is that there is still this crazy chip shortage so maybe stuff that would have come out in 2022 will be 2023 now.
I research to a fault sometimes. Or maybe that's an advantage. I like to understand a circuit plus ANY and ALL of it's derivatives.

I like to understand how very hyped up pedals may have only a few modifications to a vintage circuit, not as a "gotcha" to those builders, but rather, to understand why those circuits are themselves an improvement.

Then after all that academic perusal, I try and breadboard that bish to the extreme.

It stems from my desire NOT to have a bunch of pedals around that I don't like. I'm always conscious of the fact that despite my huge pedalboard footprint, i want to accomplish more with less. Sometimes that means selling stuff. I've unloaded 3 pedals in the last week. If I ain't stompin; it, I'm flippin' it.
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I seem to research a few pedals that I want in the never ending quest for the rig and tone I hear in my head, and constantly side tracked by shiny things and impulse buys along the way.
I honestly don’t do a lot of research. Maybe listen to a couple demos of the originals, but I have built circuits without ever hearing them beforehand. I do like the process and I don’t mind having pedals sitting on a shelf or gifting them to friends.