DEMO Dwarven Hammer/Precision Drive (first build)

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Your "clean" tone:

The circuit:

*excellent little forest scene too!
I’m a big prog fan too! ( mostly modern intermental stuff..) With the 4558DD there is a bit of a difference but not a lot, probably not enough to really warrant the price difference, it is higher gain but it’s not as rough around the edges if that makes sense.
thanks! I like progressive/avant-garde music such as Genesis, King Crimson, Kate Bush, but also modern/high-gain ones, like Tool, Meshuggah and Dir En Grey :) I'm currently composing for my future album, where I try to mash all those references in a modern context 😆
Sounds fantastic. Keep up the work!
I’m a big prog fan too! ( mostly modern intermental stuff..) With the 4558DD there is a bit of a difference but not a lot, probably not enough to really warrant the price difference, it is higher gain but it’s not as rough around the edges if that makes sense.
honestly, I know nothing about ICs 😆 so when I saw that the JRC4558DD was a bit hard to find, I just googled "JRC4558DD alternatives" and bought the first I could find in Tayda;
but cool to know the difference between the one I choose, it was indeed something I was wondering; I have so much to learn about electronics 😆