Ive been trying to troubleshoot this El Sol PCB. The LED lights up when the effect is on but no signal. I get signal when the pedal is bypassed. Here are some photos of the pcb. The IC's are LM386N
I didn't completely follow the discussion, but if it's the IC's that are the issue and you're going to order new ones, I suggest you order LM386N-3's, LM386N-4's or LM386L's based on my experience (and for example discussion on the tagboardeffects acapulco gold post). Some people get N-1's to work too, but apparently you might have to try multiple ones, and mine sounded broken with those. Worked fine with LM386L's.
I didn't completely follow the discussion, but if it's the IC's that are the issue and you're going to order new ones, I suggest you order LM386N-3's, LM386N-4's or LM386L's based on my experience (and for example discussion on the tagboardeffects acapulco gold post). Some people get N-1's to work too, but apparently you might have to try multiple ones, and mine sounded broken with those. Worked fine with LM386L's.