It’s the voltage regulator for the 15vDC portions of the circuit.On the board above the LT1054 and 47R there is a shape like a transistor with three holes no label. In another thread I saw the shape labeled as IC1. Since there is no build doc -
What component is this ?
78L12 is the correct value, 78L15 creates ticking noise when tried in Builds.I think I used a 78L12 for mine which was recommended here somewhere.
Who is a good source for 7532 photocells ?
I have heard photocells are as finicky as
germanium transistors.
How are you choosing/calibrating them ?
What are the best/acceptable measurements ?
No extra washers. Lid will close.
But touches glass bulb. Just thought perhaps
not a good situation. ? ? ?
By the way Big Monk I have read several of your threads … and enjoy them very much.
Thank You !
Hi, do we plug 9vdc in electrovibe?
I’ve thought about finding a way to use phototransistors in a circuit, but I still don’t fully understand them. I’ve thought about testing out photodiodes as clippers in the second clipping stage of a circuit with two clipping stages, with led used as the clippers in the first clipping stage. I still don’t fully understand photodiodes outside of a light-measurement circuit (ie, I have no idea how to use photodiodes outside of a textbook application), but a few quick tests I did a few years ago did suggest that they work as clippers, albeit in a pretty strange and potentially undesirable way.Has anyone ever tried a photo-transistor in place of a photo-cell?