Footswitches Don’t Fit PPCB Breakout Board


Active member
I ordered two footswitch breakout boards along with boards for the SOFTii and Woodpecker. I got a couple 3PDT switches from LoveMySwitches but they don’t fit the breakout boards. Close, but just not close enough. Here are the ones I bought.

If I chose incorrectly can someone point me toward the right ones? Thanks!

Here are the boards
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The "Low Profile" switches have a slightly different lug spacing from a normal 3PDT.

There's actually a note about it at the bottom of their product page:
"Does this compact foot switch work with the 3PDT Wiring Board PCB?

Yeah, sort of . . . It's a tight fit, and experienced builders can get the solder lugs to fit without chipping or damaging the solder pads. If you're a noob you're more likely to mess something up, so I'd go with the standard 3PDT--which is a perfect fit."

These should be a perfect fit: