DEMO FuzzDog Mootron

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Well-known member
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
Wanted to revisit this circuit after a few other build reports on here, and my disappointment with the Meatball-based circuits.

I don't recall what I didn't like about the one I built last year, but I think it may have been the Macron Vactrols I'd used. This one is currently rocking XVive VTL5C1s

Not too many tweaks, but here's what I've changed-
  • R3 increased to 150k for a bit more sensitivity, and some very slight dirt when the Gain / Sens is cranked
  • R16 lowered to 100r for lower attack time, though its pretty negligible
  • C3 is 33p, as I was out of 10p, this shouldn't have much effect at all
  • C5, C7- increased to 2.2n
  • C6, C8- increased to 4.7n. together with C5, C7- gives a slightly fatter filter. 6.9n when in the Lo position
  • D1, D2 changed to 1N5817 for increased sensitivity in the peak detector
  • Vactrols are XVive VTL5C1s, as I really didn't like the response of the Macron Fs that I have on hand. I do have some XVive 5C3s on order that I'll try out at some point. I did do some mix and match, and while I could get some cool sounds, I ended preferring the 5C1s
  • D4 and R26 omitted and junpered, as suggested by the build doc to reduce the voltage drop going into the circuit

I do think I'm going to reduce the value of the Gain / Sens pot to maybe 250kc when I open it up next. Having the full 1M doesn't seem terribly necessary. Might also mess with the resonance a bit, to get some more squonk

Overall, I'm quite fond of this one. It's pretty easy to dial in, and doesn't have nearly as many dead spots as either of the Meatballs I've built. Fairly versatile in the amount of decent, usable tones that can be had, from subdued to kinda wacky. I need to spend a bit more time fiddling with the Up sweep, though. Right now, it's kicking my Flunkee / FX25 off the board

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Here's a quick demo while I have a few minutes. I'll try to get a better one sometime this week