Kliché Mini volume issue


Well-known member
I'm wrapping up this Kliché mini tonight and it seems ok, except..... the volume pot is wonky.

Even all the way down, the volume is still a bit over unity.

As with every Kliché, Ive taken liberties replacing component with non-standard values.

The red type shows the value specified on the PCB.

mini kliche (1).jpg

I'll see if I can find a schematic.
Ummmm.... it turns out that I had all of the pots labeled incorrectly...

I really wish Pedal PCB would get their build docs up to date.. real PITA...
Every time I get annoyed with the lack of build docs or whatever, I remind myself it's a one-man show.
On top of that, his family has had a few health issues of late. When you consider how prolific Robert is... how many other PCB suppliers have as broad of offerings in as few years?

I just got my Kliché Mini and plan to build it up to Chuck D Bones bass spec, I'll be following the regular schematic adjusted for bass while paying close attention to the Mini's layout in case of changes to part numbering etc.
Every time I get annoyed with the lack of build docs or whatever, I remind myself it's a one-man show.
On top of that, his family has had a few health issues of late. When you consider how prolific Robert is... how many other PCB suppliers have as broad of offerings in as few years?

I just got my Kliché Mini and plan to build it up to Chuck D Bones bass spec, I'll be following the regular schematic adjusted for bass while paying close attention to the Mini's layout in case of changes to part numbering etc.

I didn't know that... Then yeah, I gotta agree, Robert is quite prolific, AND this is hella impressive for a one man show...

Lucky for me I have the day off today so I'll etch a new enclosure.
I like it.

Another option:

Sand down through the etch just where the tape is now and then STAMP the labels in ala Fairfield Circuitry.
Do you not know me better than that by now…?

Cool idea though. I almost bought a set of those stamps at American Science and Surplus. Not sure they exist anywhere but two locations on Chicago. But the typeface of the stamps was hideous…
I hear you, I've been shopping for the right typeface in a set of stamps since I started building and wanted to put together a Multi-Barber Chop:

Gain Vol Sag on Lows
Gain Vol Sag on Low Mids
Gain Vol Sag on High Mids
Gain Vol Sag on Treble

Sweeney Todd'll have nothing on me, if I can pull the build together.
I hear you, I've been shopping for the right typeface in a set of stamps since I started building and wanted to put together a Multi-Barber Chop:

Gain Vol Sag on Lows
Gain Vol Sag on Low Mids
Gain Vol Sag on High Mids
Gain Vol Sag on Treble

Sweeney Todd'll have nothing on me, if I can pull the build together.
Come to the dark side… caustic soda etching will free your mind… I can even float you a sweet deal on a license for Illustrator…
Come to the dark side… caustic soda etching will free your mind… I can even float you a sweet deal on a license for Illustrator…
😹 I literally just got back from Canadian Tire looking for caustic soda and your post quoted here is the first thing I see;
Alas, sold out of the brand Zep's caustic soda, and they had some Drano-brand crystals that the ingredients said "caustic" and a few other things like preservatives, but "caustic" what exactly? So I didn't buy it.

What I really want, since you've already sent me on the hunt for caustic soda, is to get your blessing to do at least one pedal with your glowing marble — man, that's the shizzle, it looks so good. Maybe a red marble for my Barchetta (MadBean UberTuber build)...?
😹 I literally just got back from Canadian Tire looking for caustic soda and your post quoted here is the first thing I see;
Alas, sold out of the brand Zep's caustic soda, and they had some Drano-brand crystals that the ingredients said "caustic" and a few other things like preservatives, but "caustic" what exactly? So I didn't buy it.

What I really want, since you've already sent me on the hunt for caustic soda, is to get your blessing to do at least one pedal with your glowing marble — man, that's the shizzle, it looks so good. Maybe a red marble for my Barchetta (MadBean UberTuber build)...?

Caustic Soda is basically the stuff that's in Drano...

It's sodium hydroxide. i.e. lye.

You have my full blessing to bedazzle your pedals with marbles. I think I even got the idea from someone else. Not marbles per se, but glowing sphere. It was some British pedal company as I recall.