Leprechaun Build


New member
Hey, I am having a similar sitch as BMossma ‹‹here››, I'm only getting the bypass signal. Two factors that might be at play:
  1. The Spin FV-1 IC was ordered Pre-Soldered (so doubtful that's the problem)
  2. I have literally no clue what I'm doing - this is my fourth or fifth build (so that's much more likely the problem)
Attaching an image - is anything obvious jumping out?

Are you sure your DC jack is wired correctly? It looks like the empty lug in the pic is where your black wire should be connected, but I'm really not familiar with that type of jack.

Your problem is most likely not the FV-1, you should still have a clean dry signal regardless of whether the FV-1 IC is working properly... since you have no sound when the pedal is active (and also no LEDs) it's more likely a power or wiring issue.
Are you sure your DC jack is wired correctly? It looks like the empty lug in the pic is where your black wire should be connected, but I'm really not familiar with that type of jack.

Your problem is most likely not the FV-1, you should still have a clean dry signal regardless of whether the FV-1 IC is working properly... since you have no sound when the pedal is active (and also no LEDs) it's more likely a power or wiring issue.

Sounds like a power issue. Your jack may be shorting against the enclosure.
