Lone King Overdrive

Found some ba282's luckily!
Not cheap though 😅
I understood from some posts here that they're quite essential in this circuit to sound like the originals.
I don't have a original soloist, but I do have a 2019 duellist, and the string singer side is practically dead on in sound with my lone king build.
Especially when set in "glass" mode.

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I agree, this is one of those circuits that the diodes do make a difference. All the KingTone pedals I've built sound a little better with the 282's. Great build!! Zombie thread....hahah
I agree, this is one of those circuits that the diodes do make a difference. All the KingTone pedals I've built sound a little better with the 282's. Great build!! Zombie thread....hahah
I may have gone overboard and stocked up on a couple hundred BA282 in anticipation of pedals like this..
BA282 are indeed required for this circuit and on 18v it's a real open sounding screamer with good headroom and better bass control. I prefer the switch to the top, gain/drive to 10oc, volume between 2oc and max, bass/treble to taste (more bass and less treble on the top switch setting).

I've also had good luck building a (Lovepedal) Tchula clone with a 6-point rotary switch one setting with BA282 as clipping diodes. This provides for a great clean boost with added highs and lows. I didn't like the BAT46 (or 41) of the original and experimented with 1n4148 and germaniums. In practice I use the BA282 most.