Low Tide Modulator Mockup Pedal - Arriving Soon!

This may be of some help;

I`m afraid I can`t help much with the LPG-section. (Where can I find more info on the original F*irfield circuit?). Don`t TRIM1 & TRIM2 miss a buffering decouple-cap from wiper to ground? And: why does the BBD only run on 5V? (It can stand 11V - at least the BL3207). (think: headroom/noise).
I will see i will start a troubleshooting thread maybe someone can help me more . Thanks for the interest no worry !
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This may be of some help;

I tried to fix via the trimmer setting but as i said i can fix it the pedal works well but after i close from power the pedal after a few hours this issue comes again and always must set the trimmer or sometimes the trimmer no help .
Thanks for the interest
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I have a limited supply of the random LFO microcontrollers as well....

Once this batch is gone it could be a little while before more are available.
Hi. Trying to source a Random LFO microcontroller for a Low Tide Modulator build. Any suggestions on where to find this?