Made my own 3pdt breakout boards


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I've been learning Eagle over the past few weeks. I posted the Arrows pcb I built a few weeks ago. The second pcb I made was a breakout board for the 3pdt and they just came in yesterday. For years I thought it would be really cool to have a brightness trimmer for the LED on the board. That way you can have them turned up if you've playing outdoors or turn them back down so it doesn't fry your eyeballs indoors.

3pdt breakout.jpeg

I figured I'd check it over with the multimeter just to make sure it was good before I used one on a build. Everything checked out except the 9v power pad. It doesn't connect to the trimmer. It doesn't connect to anything! D'oh! I can put a little jumper on the underside of the board from the third trimmer lug to the 9v pad so it'll still work, but I learned a lesson in triple checking your stuff before sending it off. I picked the cheapest shipping from JLC PCB, so it took two weeks to get these.