Missing Build Docs / Schematics

I asked Robert a question.
Does he sell for money?
Or am I begging?
Can I ask a question?
Was it a very simple and understandable question?

If you don't like my question, you can pass by!
But no! A couple of haters think they're very smart.

I wanted to see exactly what Robert had to offer so I could decide whether to buy from him or go somewhere else.
I'm not interested in children's cpaint by numbers.
Should this be explained to children?

The boards you listed as wanting build docs for aren't by any means complicated circuits. You could easily trace them yourself, and compare to other schematics found on the web if needed. I do it all the time, and I'm usually pretty good about snagging, building and modifying PedalPCB's boards when they drop, regardless of build doc status. I lean toward the things that are a lil wackier than a couple of gain stages, too.

Honestly, with the wonderful layouts and parts designations printed on the boards available here, the build docs are really more of a courtesy and a luxury than anything else. They're meant to be a grab n go type of deal, and in that regard there's no one that holds a candle to the offerings here. Robert busts his ass to make boards available to us and, as I've hoped you've seen, most of the amazing people here don't mind one bit that there might be a delay for the build docs. We know we're getting an awesome product, and the support offered by Robert and the members of the forum are second to none

I can genuinely say that if you were to buy a board and wanted to modify it however, someone would gladly help you realize those mods or guide you to a more suitable project
when I first started building... i would print off every single build doc!!!!!!! granted, i used the printers at work but still. i laugh at myself for the silly things i did as a new builder. i still have them in a binder that i havent opened in 3 years. i even laminated some of them (again, for free at my job). I just thought i would share that with you guys. i know some will find it as funny as i do.


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when I first started building... i would print off every single build doc!!!!!!! granted, i used the printers at work but still. i laugh at myself for the silly things i did as a new builder. i still have them in a binder that i havent opened in 3 years. i even laminated some of them (again, for free at my job). I just thought i would share that with you guys. i know some will find it as funny as i do.
Hey! I still print em! Got a binder just like that (minus the cool graphics).

I don’t look at them once it’s time to build, but they’re a nice place for me to take notes on parts subs and costs, and I like having the paper when I’m going through drawers trying to figure out what I need to order. Plus I need to print the drill templates anyway. It’s also how I keep track of which projects in my backlog I’ve ordered the parts for.

I know some very smart and efficient folks here are doing all that on spreadsheets, but once my work day is over, I like to get away from the screen if I can.
Hey! I still print em! Got a binder just like that (minus the cool graphics).

I don’t look at them once it’s time to build, but they’re a nice place for me to take notes on parts subs and costs, and I like having the paper when I’m going through drawers trying to figure out what I need to order. Plus I need to print the drill templates anyway. It’s also how I keep track of which projects in my backlog I’ve ordered the parts for.

I know some very smart and efficient folks here are doing all that on spreadsheets, but once my work day is over, I like to get away from the screen if I can.
not gonna lie. if i still had access to a free printer and paper, i would probably still do it hahaha but i burn through a decent amount of printer paper and ink doing test prints of the enclosure artwork decals. I gotta save a little $$ where i can so i can buy more pcbs hahaha.
not gonna lie. if i still had access to a free printer and paper, i would probably still do it hahaha but i burn through a decent amount of printer paper and ink doing test prints of the enclosure artwork decals. I gotta save a little $$ where i can so i can buy more pcbs hahaha.
I don’t print them off anymore, I keep them on this website. It’s easier to keep up with them and they’re accessible from anywhere.
Hey! I still print em! Got a binder just like that (minus the cool graphics).

I don’t look at them once it’s time to build, but they’re a nice place for me to take notes on parts subs and costs, and I like having the paper when I’m going through drawers trying to figure out what I need to order. Plus I need to print the drill templates anyway. It’s also how I keep track of which projects in my backlog I’ve ordered the parts for.

I know some very smart and efficient folks here are doing all that on spreadsheets, but once my work day is over, I like to get away from the screen if I can.
I used to love keeping all my notes on the build docs for sure. but nowadays i just keep all the pcbs in the old tayda bags and put sticky notes on them with any pertinant info(subs, troubleshooting progress, etc)
not gonna lie. if i still had access to a free printer and paper, i would probably still do it hahaha but i burn through a decent amount of printer paper and ink doing test prints of the enclosure artwork decals. I gotta save a little $$ where i can
Paper isn’t that expensive. Ink costs can be horrendous though. Switching from inkjet to black and white laser made a huge difference. Toner cartridges last a long time.

Not why I bought it, but it turns out I can print resists for etching too which is nice.
I asked Robert a question.
Does he sell for money?
Or am I begging?
Can I ask a question?
Was it a very simple and understandable question?

If you don't like my question, you can pass by!
But no! A couple of haters think they're very smart.

I wanted to see exactly what Robert had to offer so I could decide whether to buy from him or go somewhere else.
I'm not interested in children's cpaint by numbers.
Should this be explained to children?
imagine being a newbie on a forum and behaving with this much entitlement.

i can't believe how patient people here have been with you and have genuinely tried to help you and you still behave like a 16 yo girl because you didn't get what you want.
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The only reason you would need the schematic is in case anything went wrong or you wanted to mod it.
Or if you wanted to start your own pedal company, cloning the latest product on the market, and you didn’t want to do the legwork of doing your own traces.

Sadly sites like PedalPCB, Effects Layouts, and AionFX have become schematic repositories for some builders.

Case in point, the Informant Overdrive versus the FVD overdrive, which not only shares an eerily similar layout as the Informant but also the same part numbers.
Or if you wanted to start your own pedal company, cloning the latest product on the market, and you didn’t want to do the legwork of doing your own traces.

Sadly sites like PedalPCB, Effects Layouts, and AionFX have become schematic repositories for some builders.

Case in point, the Informant Overdrive versus the FVD overdrive, which not only shares an eerily similar layout as the Informant but also the same part numbers.
Not gonna lie, I had thought about taking the schematic for the MBP Honey Dripper, and giving it a go. But never try to pass that off as my own work. Needless to say, I gave that delusion up and just need to be quicker on the MBP Buy/Sell/Trade forum (I see you @Bricksnbeatles, you bastard. Good find yesterday morning).
Not gonna lie, I had thought about taking the schematic for the MBP Honey Dripper, and giving it a go. But never try to pass that off as my own work. Needless to say, I gave that delusion up and just need to be quicker on the MBP Buy/Sell/Trade forum (I see you @Bricksnbeatles, you bastard. Good find yesterday morning).
Ah yeah, I was psyched about that. Been looking for one for quite a while. The dipthonizer is the closest thing I’ve found to the tone at the intro of this (not that I’m trying to emulate BÖC in my music, but that sound is rad) which to date I’ve only gotten close with a talkbox. If I had to guess, it’s probably exactly what was used on the recording.

Regardless, I have a thing for weird filters, and the dipthonizer is one of the most interesting curiosities of the silver age of effects.
Ah yeah, I was psyched about that. Been looking for one for quite a while. The dipthonizer is the closest thing I’ve found to the tone at the intro of this (not that I’m trying to emulate BÖC in my music, but that sound is rad) which to date I’ve only gotten close with a talkbox. If I had to guess, it’s probably exactly what was used on the recording.

Regardless, I have a thing for weird filters, and the dipthonizer is one of the most interesting curiosities of the silver age of effects.
Definitely sounds like a Dipthonizer to me. If that doesn't pan out, try running any two envelope filters together in parallel
Definitely sounds like a Dipthonizer to me. If that doesn't pan out, try running any two envelope filters together in parallel
Help me Two parallel envelope filters, you are my only hope.


Or I could just use my actual talkbox, but where's the fun in that?
Help me Two parallel envelope filters, you are my only hope.


Or I could just use my actual talkbox, but where's the fun in that?

I think the tall box is the only type of effect I've never actually used. I'd be afraid of having one of my spasms and swallowing half the tubing