Muffin Crumb Tone Stage question


Well-known member
I want to incorporate a Muffin Crumb Tone Control and the Muffin Crumb Amplifier stage (for tone recovery).

What is the best order for these? Tone stage before the main PCB or after? And tone recovery right after the tone stage? Or if the tone stage goes before the main PCB, does the recovery stage go after the main PCB or still right after the tone stage, before the main PCB?

Also, for the VCC pad on the Amplifier Stage PCB, I'm assuming that just needs a connection to DC power?
Whichever circuit is last in the chain will be affected the most. That being said, there are advantages to having a tone shaper both before and after a circuit. My advice? Make it switchable!!!!

The tone control is passive in nature, meaning any unwanted signal will get dumped to ground. If after the main circuit, a recovery stage may not be needed depending on what circuit it is. My other advice is to build the pcb and the test it on a breadboard to find the order that you like best.
I would think MCA-MCT-PCB
That way you're always driving and recovering the tone control.
Edit to add:
I would caution to say, pay attention to and RC/CR filters made by linking these together. You may find that you can omit some DC blocking caps as they're redundant to avoid this.