Muffin Fuzz - Types


Active member
Some of the type of Big Muff's one can build from the documents are hard to identify the version they are clone's of. Is there a list to tell what versions they are? I am really curious about the Bigger Muff version, is there a video of this one?

I think there was a similar question asked in the forums in the last year where that was answered. Should come up in a search.
I don’t have a direct answer, but the link below (all 4 pages) shows various schematics. You’ll find the various iterations of triangle, rams head, green, etc. Plus the non-EHX boutique versions.

Note the naming convention may be different, so you need to cross reference the circuit against the labels in the pedalpcb build instructions. For example the bigmuffpage calls “Q4” the first transistor, while pedalpcb calls it “Q1”.

