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- Build Rating
- 4.00 star(s)
Some pedals are easy, others you have to fight every damn. Step. Of. The. Way!
Have a troubleshooting thread on this pedal and crackle storms/bad SMD soldering, but i also had to redo the graphics 5 EFFING TIMES because clear coats blotted or smeared the felt marker. 3 stars experience, 5 Star pedal!
Anyway, it was worth it. One of my favorite graphics and one of my favorite pedals, going to a guitarist friend.
[Edit: forgot to say, I played with the sanding of the enclosure and I think that was really a boss result. Added a lot more depth and visual interest... and realism somehow. I'm feeling like I don't want to be alone with this guy in a dark room. Unless I have my cornu.]
Very powerful pedal (preamp levels) amp like breakup, very flexible, good tones through the rotation. Two pots on the left control tone and volume, with mids control on the toggle. It's a darker/middier pedal by nature. [Edit: forgot to say, somebody described this as a TS for those who don't like them, fair. Pretty amp in a box to me; really nice decay, sounds great in edge of breakup land, can chug, with the clipping pots dimed you are in fuzz, especially 9v and below---lots and lots of textures to play with here.]
Two pots on the right control highs clipping and lows clipping, with what sounds like an input cap toggle to allow different amounts of bassness.
Middle pot is the special sauce, purportedly changes pedal current from 6v to 18v. Haven't tested to see what an 18v power supply will change vs. 9v. Basically, the knob gives more clarity and headroom, as you'd expect.
Have a troubleshooting thread on this pedal and crackle storms/bad SMD soldering, but i also had to redo the graphics 5 EFFING TIMES because clear coats blotted or smeared the felt marker. 3 stars experience, 5 Star pedal!
Anyway, it was worth it. One of my favorite graphics and one of my favorite pedals, going to a guitarist friend.
[Edit: forgot to say, I played with the sanding of the enclosure and I think that was really a boss result. Added a lot more depth and visual interest... and realism somehow. I'm feeling like I don't want to be alone with this guy in a dark room. Unless I have my cornu.]
Very powerful pedal (preamp levels) amp like breakup, very flexible, good tones through the rotation. Two pots on the left control tone and volume, with mids control on the toggle. It's a darker/middier pedal by nature. [Edit: forgot to say, somebody described this as a TS for those who don't like them, fair. Pretty amp in a box to me; really nice decay, sounds great in edge of breakup land, can chug, with the clipping pots dimed you are in fuzz, especially 9v and below---lots and lots of textures to play with here.]
Two pots on the right control highs clipping and lows clipping, with what sounds like an input cap toggle to allow different amounts of bassness.
Middle pot is the special sauce, purportedly changes pedal current from 6v to 18v. Haven't tested to see what an 18v power supply will change vs. 9v. Basically, the knob gives more clarity and headroom, as you'd expect.

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