Pitch Witch


Well-known member
Grabbed this on a whim because I had a few extra pt2399 laying around. Very interesting delay. I have far more delay pedals than a bassist should be messing with but this circuit holds up among them in its own screwball way. I'm very happy with how this turned out. The graphic is yet again, a 70s psychology textbook. It, like this pedal, reminded me a little bit of looney tunes.

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I also took the plunge to revisit some PT2399 delay boards recently and built the Pitch Witch and the Chalumeau. Similar pedals that give you a bit of wow and flutter seasick delays, but one is based on the amplitude of the signal and one uses an LFO. Fun stuff. Put one after the other and you can sort of wade out into the Shallow Water with them.
What’s your preferred dirt for subsynth bass? The best one I’ve got is a Stomp Underfoot Rhinosuar which I believe is a jumbo fuzz clone so really a muff without the bass loss.
I bounce around a lot but the moonn lofran, dam ezekiel and mammoth all are fun after a meatbox or the like. All my frantone fuzzes are pretty great for that too. Lofran, cream puff, peach fuzz, bassweet. In that order. If I'm less worried about low end loss and just want nasty chaos a sodameiser, calamity, and as of this week a fuzzy fox have all been seeing some action. I'm so good at picking a favorite.

Ocelot into octave up fuzz is a valid life choice and I stand by it.