This is not that easy . I try many times with Foxx schematic and it never sounded the same as Experience .It looks like it could be made on a Foxx Tone Machine pcb. The octave and swell could be wired offboard.
I have both of them (Real Foxx Tone Machine and Real Experience) and there are differences on PCBs and you hear some differences in mid range and amount of gain. Schematics are really similar, but the difference is in the transistors, capacitors and potentiometers. . Of course, to do Experience, you need to add a Swell section that Foxx doesn't have.What Betty said; I've often thought of trying to build it on a Foxx PCB.
There's just never enough time to do all the things...
@mikiluk1012 , what do you think the crux of the problem is with using the Foxx PCB, based on your experience? (pun intended)
Few connections to ground rail are missing
I'm sorry. I thought that old wish list had been archived. I'm surprised how an effect so interesting and still in use on some pedalboards out there has so little search for construction.
Neste vídeo ele fornece o esquema, mas como não falo inglês, não sei o que ele diz sobre o circuito. Parece-me que há um problema com a parte do Swell.
Eu sei que Joe da Gray Bench Electronics rastreou o circuito e eu o vi usar alguns produtos PedalPCB, mas não tenho certeza se ele é um membro aqui. Eu me pergunto se ele ficaria feliz em compartilhar o esquema se o procurássemos.
Eu, pelo menos, usei um chute Doyle Bramhall II recentemente e ele é um usuário prolífico deste pedal.