REQUEST Request - link to Tayda Custom Drilling Template for Cetus Preamp


Well-known member
I had thought this was basically the standard 5 knob or 6-knob layout with the upper middle knob deleted (which I thought were also basically a modification of the 3-knob layout) with some knobs added. But when I compare the measurements on the Tayda datasheets for the 5 and 6 knob versions (provided by PedalPCB), the knob spacing is different - on the 3 hole version, the two upper knobs are 31mm apart but, on the 5/6 knob version, the upper knobs appear to be 40.6 mm apart, and none match the layout of the Cetus exactly. So that tells me that the Cetus may be the same as the 5-6 knob layout with some holes omitted - but also that I'm better off not assuming anything, since my assumptions were already wrong in other areas,

I'm actually trying to extrapolate these numbers out to include the Cetus in a 2 in 1 build as a custom drill job on a 1590xx, so I'd appreciate if someone could share a proven drill template for the Cetus so I can use the measures/relationships to extrapolate out to and double check my non-standard build.

Awesome, thank you! That matches the numbers I came up with when I extrapolated it out to work where the centerline of this part of my two in one build would be 33 rather than zero. Very much appreciated!