Solder Brand

I use this stuff: Cardas Soldering Wire Quad Eutectic Silver Solder with rosin flux. Expensive, but should help lower chances of a cold solder joint. I just started on my third 1/4 lb spool. I can't remember the last time I had a cold solder joint (although I think my solder technique is decent).

I did use the cheaper Kester (can't remember which formulation) when I built my tube amps. I used a lot of solder in those (probably too much), and didn't want to use the expensive solder. But I also figured I was working with fairly large surfaces (wires, component leads, turrets, etc), so the work itself was somewhat easier.
This is probably who RS sourced it from—actually, it would've been Ersin, back in the day. It looks like Loctiti bought Ersin, and uses "multicore" as the brand name, which also describes the way the flux is integrated into the solder. I just got some several months ago from Newark, but they are out of stock—looking at this site, it's possible it's not around anymore! (Glad I got 250g spool of it; at my rate of going through solder, that should be the last I'll need.)

I haven't done an intensive search, so it might be worth trying to source.

Cool! Didn't know. I just had a look and indeed my spool is 62/36/02, it's too bad that it might not be around anymore because I'd probably pay a healthy sum to have more.
Cool! Didn't know. I just had a look and indeed my spool is 62/36/02, it's too bad that it might not be around anymore because I'd probably pay a healthy sum to have more.
worth searching for then—it was literally just a couple of months ago that I got a 250g spool of it. My 1 pound spool (was branded Ersin Multicore back then) is from the 80s, and still has maybe 100 grams left on it.
So I had a pound spool of Kester that lasted me for YEARS and ran out recently. Decided to give a cheap Amazon brand a shot (“Maiyum”) and it kinda sucks. Doesn’t really “flow,” just kinda melts and turns blobby if that makes sense. It’s like a quarter of the cost but I can’t stand it.

So I’m wondering what everyone else is using - the $10 Amazon special, the $40 spool of Kester, or something in the middle? If there’s really nothing comparable out there I’ll just grab another spool of Kester and be set for a few more years but figured it’d be prudent to ask at least.
Right now I use the Maiyum 63/37 0.8mm for pedal building and I don't experience the same issue as you but that could be for any number of reasons. Normally, I'm a Kester die hard but at the time I bought this current reel I didn't have Kester in my budget. I do think the Maiyum requires a higher operating temperature but I run my iron all the way up regardless.
An aerospace tech friend of mine gets "expired" spools from work and sometimes sells them on eBay. He gave me a full spool of that in .020" but I've barely touched it yet. I have 63/37 here with type 44, 245, 285, and 331 cores, I should really do a proper shootout one of these days!
yes please
Kester No-Clean or Weller are the only way to go.
Bad solder joints are a huge time waster, and time is money!
It's like the old Fram oil filter ad, "pay me now or pay me later".
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i got this at my local electronics store, in a pinch. It was half used and no idea how old, it was from the owners stash.

Amazing stuff for joints. It makes the biggest flux mess though, and i can never end up with anything but a sticky mess trying to clean it. IMG_9789.jpeg
Best solder I've used so far by far was whatever was provided with my X-tronix soldering station. It was really great, although I didn't know it at the time, since I had nothing to compare it to.

Tried the Maiyum. Straight trash. Sent it back, and bought the Kester 60/40, which I am fairly happy with.
Necro thread bump. This is the solder that came with my Xtronic station. I've found it easy to use as well:
Ended up needing thinner solder because of the small PedalPCB pads... Bought this on a whim when I needed something else from this store. Works, then bought some more. Though, when I need to stock up again, I might go look for something between 0,5-1,0mm, because I'm a bit annoyed by the length I need per pad.
