SOLVED Talk to me about grounding (Dual Pedal w/ Order Switcher woes)

Right, so grounding is some sort of voodoo that I can never wrap my head around, which usually doesn't matter too much due to the amount of paint-by-numbers guides and layouts around.

However I've just put together my first dual pedal (Ghost Echo + Keeley Magnetic Echo + order switcher using PedalPCB boards) and it sounds fine with either pedal engaged, or both engaged. But, for some reason I'm getting a MASSIVE amount of noise when both are in bypass for some reason.

Here's my current wiring scheme:
At first I thought I might have borked the order switch PCB, or switch itself (couldn't find my normal solder, long story) but having replaced this with a new switch and wired it manually I'm still getting the same noise.

My input/output jacks are both metal, my DC jack is plastic. I've checked and get continuity across all ground points on the PCBs, Jacks, and switches using a multimeter.

The noise also changes tone/rhythm depending on the power supply being used, and goes away when I turn the volume knob on the guitar all the way down.

Any ideas on where I'm going wrong?