DEMO The Dark Wave - Parenthesis Fuzz

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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)


Over Christmas my brother-in-law asked if I could build him a Sunn O))) Life pedal, and knowing that PPCB offers a board for it, I said "Sure!"
This was my first time tackling the 3-in-1 circuit but I honestly found it straightforward and simple. The trickiest part is hardwiring the octave footswitch, but I like doing that every once in a while. Keeps me in shape. I forgot to snap a photo of my wiring job inside before shipping it, but you're gonna have to trust me that I did a handsome job of it.

I also splurged for an actual LM308 for the rat section. Is it $7 good? I don't know. Sounds pretty good. Probably should have A/B'd different op-amps. Whoops!

I went with a Tayda black on black print job for this, but I don't know why I added a white layer under everything. I guess out of habit. It's a millimeter off so it's not a true blackout design. It's still pretty cool and trippy, but next time I obviously won't use a white layer.

I decided to cover one of my brother-in-laws songs for the demo, but turn it into a slow, doomy version to really show off the fuzz. This thing sounds amazing on bass! You can hear the fast original version below.

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