SOLVED Ungula acts like a tremolo


New member
Hi all! I've built few pedal kits, mainly EQD clones, with no problems until last night. I built pedalPCB Ungula and everything seemed to go great until I plugged it in.

First of all I got squealing which seemed to be some sort of grounding issue since it stopped after I took the build out from enclosure.
Afterwards I tried it without enclosure and now it doesn't output that much volume and sounds like a tremolo.

I've been double checking the build docs and one thing that caught my eye is that silk screen shows LED diodes as backwards. In other words the square pads are other way around in the PCB vs the build docs diagram. D1 & D2 light up so I'm not sure if that tells something?

I'm fairly new into pedal building and have no experience on troubleshooting. Would be really grateful if someone could push me into some direction here!

Here's the gutshot:


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